Graduation candles

Congratulations to the students from year six who graduated at Mass and graduation and awards ceremony held on the 15th December 2014.

The graduation ceremony included speeches from the school Principal, Dr Elizabeth Ricketts and the 2014 school captain Vanie Barcelon.

All the best year six, we are proud of you.

Following is the speech by the school captain, Vanie.

On behalf of the Year 6 students of 2014, I would like to thank Father Alan, Dr Ricketts and staff for everything they have done for us over the past seven years. We have learnt how important our schooling has been in our daily lives, especially learning about God and living in a Catholic community. We will never forget the memories we have created here, as one family. We thank you all, for guiding us on our journey here at St Aidans. You will never be forgotten.

At St. Aidan’s we learnt the importance of studying smartly, working co-operatively and having inquiring minds that constantly question and search for knowledge. Learning has been the core of our day. It has been challenging and fun. We have experienced many great opportunities to work with our teachers, in peer groups or independently in our open learning spaces, which we moved into in year two. All the skills we developed over the past seven years have given us a strong basis for a better and brighter future.

The staff has taught us to be young people who strive to do their best at all times. I would like to extend my thanks especially, to the teachers and staff, who journeyed these seven years with us, because they have helped us realise and develop our talents. They taught us to never give up, to do our very best even when the work was challenging, to be there for others, to help and support those in need, and most importantly to keep God as our friend and to love him always.

I would like to thank Dr Ricketts for the great opportunities she has opened up for us over the years. Our technology which has assisted our learning is second to none. The excursions and incursions have improved and challenged our learning. We have displayed our talents through Creative Arts Expo, Assemblies, Talent Quests, School Radio, Sports Gala Days and Carnivals. All these experiences have developed our confidence, talents, teamwork and sportsmanship. For these opportunities we are truly thankful.

We will take with us solid building blocks in literacy and numeracy, art and PE, and especially in Religious Education and living as Jesus did. We will further develop these throughout our High School years. We have developed strong Gospel values of love, respect, forgiveness and hope. We have learnt the importance of working and playing ‘Together as One’. Like the bricks on our school cross we have come from many paths, but are one family. This family has given us a wonderful start in life.

We would like to thank our parents for being with us always on this part of our journey. We know that our parents are very proud of us. They too, like our teachers have had high expectations of us and for our future, they trust and believe in us.

They are here proudly smiling as we graduate, taking those precious photos so that this proud moment will be saved forever. Today is a very special day for us all, one which they will cherish with us.

As we begin a new chapter in our lives, let us remember the good times we have shared and take with us the talents we have developed here at St. Aidan’s. We have learnt to take risks and be proud of our achievements, we need to make the most of our lives and so we go forward to new beginnings.

Anthony and I, would like to congratulate our fellow year six students for completing our primary years together. We wish each of them success and happiness for the future and trust they will always remember the St Aidan's school motto - 'Together we are one."


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Written By

Grace Carlo-Stella

Grace Carlo-Stella
St Aidan's Primary Rooty Hill

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