

Students at St Aidan’s recently had the opportunity to take part in a STEAM-a-thon.

STEAM encompasses science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics and has been deemed as a critical skill for the workforce of the future.

STEAM subjects encourage critical thinking and problem solving in students who were involved in challenging activities designed to enrich their learning and capacity for solving complex problems with innovative solutions.

The activities were designed to increase across grade collaboration while building teamwork, resilience and initiative in students.



Some of the activities on the day included creating our own homemade bubbles using corn flour, baking powder, glycerine and dishwashing liquid. We also experimented with measuring large spaces using trundle wheels, creating 3D structures with a variety of iPad apps, building physical structures using plastic straws, dancing and performing arts and even creating our own paper mache!

Our students were up to the challenge and took on each task with an open-mind, furthering their ability to work in a team to solve difficult problems and consider often unorthodox methods of achieving that solution.

A special thanks goes out to the many families who generously supported our STEAM-athon, our students had a blast and can’t wait for our next event!


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St Aidan's Primary Rooty Hill

St Aidan's Primary Rooty Hill

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